CAC Slab Generations

1/19/20243 min read

This post consists of the various different generations of slabs of CAC. It includes straight graded and problem graded coins of the standard label type. As CAC has made numerous changes to the label formats I felt it was necessary to make note of the differences.
(*Note: To save and download a more detailed version of this list, just click the album button at the bottom of this post. It is a google slide presentation and can be downloaded as a pdf.)
Generation 1.0 - Common.
Produced June 2023 - March 2024. This is the 1st generation problem free coin holder produced by CAC.
Generation P 1.0 - Rare.
Produced June 2023 - July 2023. This is the 1st generation problem coin label. It features the registry value below the grade. The “REG” label quickly was ended as there was confusion as to the meaning with many thinking that CAC was net grading coins. It was announced on August 2nd the it had been discontinued. This was all before CAC submission was open to the general public. Likely few were produced and they now command a large premium.
Generation P 1.1 - Fairly Common.
Produced in August 2023 - March 2024 This is the 2nd generation problem coin label. The registry value was removed. All else remains unchanged.
Note: At some point around Dec 2023, CAC started using UNC Details instead of MS Details.
Generation 1.1 - Fairly Common.
Produced March 2024 - July 2024. This is the 2nd generation problem free coin label. CAC has been added to label in front of the grade and it also looks like the font size has been reduced. All else remains unchanged from previous generation.
Generation P 1.2 - Fairly Common.
Produced March 2024 - July 2024. This is the 3rd generation problem coin label. CAC has been added to label in front of the details grade as well as the font size appears reduced. All else remains unchanged from previous generation.
Generation 1.2 - Fairly Common.
Produced July 2024 - present. This is the 3rd generation problem free coin label. Font has been changed. All else remains unchanged from previous generation.
Generation P 1.3 - Fairly Common.
Produced July 2024 - present. This is the 4rd generation problem coin label. Font has been changed and the font size reduced. All else remains unchanged from previous generation.

CAC Slab History

Click below for the downloadable version of the CAC history.